

Homework 1: Data Collection

Computer Graphics

1. Introduction

Welcome to the homework section of Computer Graphic! CG is a vast and recent area in computer science. You can find more very interesting information about CG in references at the end of this homework. It might be too cruel to let you to write codes in your first homework. Hence, you are only required to do some paperwork and data searching in this homework. Good luck and have fun.(En Taro CG!)

Warning: We encourage discussions among students, but codes and documents should be written and submitted individually, without copying existed answers (Neither from other student nor from the Internet). Plagiarism = Fail. Besides, there may be at least 30% penalty for late homework.

2. Tasks

Write down the answers of following questions in your report.

2.1 Know OpenGL

OpenGL is basically an API standard for developing portable, interactive 2D and 3D graphics applications. Answer the following questions:

2.2 Know the State of the Art

SIGGRAPH is one of the most authoritative conference in Computer Graphics. It is also the world’s largest, most influential annual event in computer graphics and interactive techniques. Here(SIGGRAPH ASIA 2016 Courses) are some topics on SIGGRAPH-Asia 2016.

3. Submitting Format

Please submit your homework to sysucg2017@163.com. You subject of the email should be as same as your attachment(aka. your .zip file)

Only a .zip file should be submitted. Under the .zip file, the content should look like this:

  |— doc/

For example, a student in required class want to submit homework1 for the second time, his .zip file should be:

       |—doc/        ——放report.pdf

4. References

[1] 什么是计算机图形学: http://staff.ustc.edu.cn/~lgliu/Resources/CG/What_is_CG.htm
[2] Definition: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_graphics
[3] GLFW http://www.glfw.org/
[4] freeglut: http://freeglut.sourceforge.net/
[5] SIGGRAPH: http://www.siggraph.org/