

Homework 4: Let’s Go 3D

Computer Graphics

1. Introduction

So far we have drawn many amazing objects, but they are all in 2D. In this homework, let’s draw our first 3D object —— a simple cube! What’s more, let’s make the cube move around!

Warning: All codes and documents should be written and submitted individually, without copying existed answers (Neither from other student nor from the Internet). Plagiarism = Fail. Besides, there may be at least 30% penalty for late homework.

2. Tasks

2.1 Pre-requirement

2.2 Draw a cube

Let’s draw a cube in 3D world, and place it to (0,0,0).

2.3 Translations

Implement translation of the cube.

2.4 Rotations

Implement rotation of the cube.

2.5 Scaling

Implement scaling of the cube.

2.6 Bonus: Combination

Let’s do something funny~ Now we want to combine 3 kinds of transformations together. In this time, we need 2 cubes.

3. Submitting Format

Please submit your homework to sysucg2017@163.com. You subject of the email should be as same as your attachment(aka. your .zip file)

Only a .zip file should be submitted. Under the .zip file, the content should look like this:

  |— src/
  |— doc/
  |— bin/

For example, a student in required class want to submit homework2 for the second time, his .zip file should be:

       |—src/        ——放整个工程
       |—doc/        ——放report.pdf
       |—bin/        ——放可执行文件和readm