

Homework 6: Bezier curve

Computer Graphics

1. Introduction

In the class you have learn the definition of Bezier curve and B-spline curve. In this homework you are required to design a Bezier curve drawer. In order to do so, you need to deal with keyboard and mouse input.

Warning: All codes and documents should be written and submitted individually, without copying existed answers (Neither from other student nor from the Internet). Plagiarism = Fail. Besides, there may be at least 30% penalty for late homework.

2. Tasks

2.1 Pre-requirement

2.2 Bezier Curve

You need to implement a 2D Cubic Bezier drawer, the requirements are as follow:

3. Submitting Format

Please submit your homework to sysucg2017@163.com. You subject of the email should be as same as your attachment(aka. your .zip file)

Only a .zip file should be submitted. Under the .zip file, the content should look like this:

  |— src/
  |— doc/
  |— bin/

For example, a student in required class want to submit homework2 for the second time, his .zip file should be:

       |—src/        ——放整个工程
       |—doc/        ——放report.pdf
       |—bin/        ——放可执行文件和readme