

The course will provide an introduction to theory and practice of computer graphics algorithms, including different aspects of modelling, rendering.

Topics to be covered include most or all of the following: geometric transformations; the rendering pipeline, including perspective projection, scan conversion, and hidden surface removal; lighting models; texture mapping; Meshes; geometry modeling and data structures;

For more information, you can read this detail introduction from HERE(什么是计算机图形学)

Professor Gao Chengying
Office A209
Class Information Monday 9~11 D205
Monday 3~4 D203
TA1 李效良: ken_4000@qq.com
TA2 张泽昕: 494846236@qq.com


Group Project


Date Topic Slides Assignments
2017.02.20 Introduction Intoduction Homework1
2017.02.27 Rendering Pipeline Rendering Pipeline Homework2
OpenGL Tutorials
2017.03.06 OpenGL Programming OpenGL Programming Reading material1
Reading material2
2017.03.14 Rasterization Rasterization.pdf Homework3
2017.03.29 Transformation Trasformation.pdf Homework4
2017.04.01 Viewing Viewing in 2D & 3Dpdf Homework5
2017.04.10 Clipping Clipping & Hidden Surface Removal.pdf Midterm Pre
2017.04.17 Curve and Surface Curve and Surface Modeling.pdf Homework6
2017.05.08 Mesh Mesh Processing.pdf Homework7
2017.05.15 Lighting and Shading Lighting & Shading.pdf Group Project
2017.05.22 Texture Mapping Texture Mapping.pdf Group Project
